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Associated Numbers
0121715002 Bosch 0121715032 0121715032OR 0121715102 0121715132 0986080157 ruil 11223 EAI 11223R WAI 12090711 EuroTec 2205478 PIC 2205478A 285980 Elstock 30667018 Volvo 30667524 30667525 30667896 30782032 30795210 36000791 815516172 PSH 815525180 8603388 8603605 8603898 90156481 Wilson 930477 EDR DRA0477 Remy LRA03368 Lucas A0285 ASPLList AEK3368 AUTOELECTRO BOSCHList BOSCH CAL10370AS CASCO CAL10370GS CAL10370RS DELCO EAA221883 EAA ELSTOCK LUCAS 20101073BN REAL 20101073OE 20101073RC 2010370 SANDO VOLVO / TRANSPO ALT10665 WOODAUTO 6517751 651775 Substitutes: J N 40024209 40024298 AL0821X Light Duty 12756 References: Arrowhead ABO0349 VBO0349 J& AL0821N Lester LRA3368 Picture ID 307820320 360007910 36002176 360021760 86038980 121715002 121715032 121715102 86036050 115753 2010370.0 2010370.1 2010370.2 28-5980 40262 57642 815.516.172 89215765 90-15-6481 A-6546 ALB5032 BOS0121715132 49-553Specifications
Amp | 180 A |
Diameter (D.1) | 9 mm |
Diameter (D.2) | 8.5 mm |
Diameter (D.3) | 11.5 mm |
Length (L.1) | 172 mm |
Mount Inside Length or Pad Mount C-C (C) | 85 mm |
OEM Product | No |
Pad mount thickness (E.1) | 72 mm |
Pad mount thickness (E.2) | 71 mm |
Pad mount thickness (E.3) | 71 mm |
Plug Code | PL_2305 |
Product Line | Standard Line |
Product Type | Brand new |
Pulley Grooves | 6 qty |
Pulley Outside Diameter (O.D.1) | 52 mm |
Pulley to Mount Distance (A) | 23 mm |
Pulley Type | SOLID |
Unit Type | BOSCH |
Voltage | 12 V |
Vehicle Applications
Make | Model | Type | Year |
VOLVO | S80 4.4 V8 | [BD8444S] | 01.2006-12.2010 |
VOLVO | XC90 4.4 V8 | [BD8444S] | 01.2005-12.2010 |
Reference Information
40262 20101073RC CAL10370AS 115753 LRA03368 8603898 36002176 36000791 30782032 ALT123700A 86038980 360007910 30667018 20101073OE 30667896 8603605 PRAS462 0121715002 20101073BN 442073 2010370.1 2010370.2 BOS0121715132 ALTS462 ALT1369 CAL10370RS 11223R ALTS462B 30667525 30667524 307820320 360021760 89215765 0121715132 ALB5032 90-15-6481 57642 28-5980 ALTS462RR CAL10370GS ALT123700R 2010370 30795210 0121715102 AI-90192R A0285 815.516.172 8603388 LRA3368 A-6546 86036050 ALT123700 AI-90192Video/Publications
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