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SD0110 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 20.50 including GST
NZ$ 17.83 excluding GST
Purchase Qty:

0001107102 0001108197 0001108205 0001108213 0001108214 0001108222 0001108223 0001115005 0001115006 0001115009 0001115049 0001115050 0001115051 0001115052 0001115053 0001115054 0001115070 0001115071 0001115072 0001115073 0001115076 0001115077 0001115098 0001115096 0001109271 0001109272 S0460 S0136 S0395 0001107102 0001108197 0001108205 0001108213 0001108214 0001108222 0001108223 0001115005 0001115006 0001115009 0001115049 0001115050 0001115051 0001115052 0001115053 0001115054 0001115070 0001115071 0001115072 0001115073 0001115076 0001115077 0001115098 0001115096 0001109271 0001109272 S0460 S0136 S0395

1006209661 Cargo 234242, 333224 Ghibaudi 6030 KE 11661 KRAUF SDB1242HS, SDB1242PN, SDB1242ZE Magneti Marelli AMB0460 Mercedes Benz 0011512113, A0011512113 WAI 3-5255-W WPS 549196 Zen 10114850, 1485 Используется для агрегатов.0001115098, 0001108197, 0001108213, 0001108214, 0001108222, 0001108223, 0001109271, 0001115005, 0001115006, 0001115049, 0001115050, 0001115051, 0001115052, 0001115053, 0001115054, 0001115056, 0001115070, 0001115071, 0001115072, 0001115073, 0001115076, 0001115077, 0001115096, 0001115099, 0001115100, 0001115106, 0001115108, 0061511001,

Inside Diameter (I.D.1)12 mm
Length (L.1)72.4 mm
Length (L.2)35.8 mm
No./Splines16 qty
No./Teeth10 qty
OEM ProductNo
On Sale ItemYes
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)47.5 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)27.8 mm
Product LineStandard Line
Product TypeBrand new
Unit TypeBOSCH
0001108214 0001107102 0001108213 SD0110 0001108197 0001115108 0001115009 0001115005 0001115049 0001115006 0001115077 0001109271 0001115051 0001115073 0001109272 0001115052 0001115096 0001115053 0001115054 0001115076 0001115098 0001115070 S0395 0001115071 0001115050 0001115072 S0136 0001108205 0001108223 0001108222 S0527 S0460 S0460S S0389