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APC0003 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator plastic cover (PVC cover)

Brand new AS-PL Alternator plastic cover (PVC cover)
Brand new AS-PL Alternator plastic cover (PVC cover)
NZ$ 8.82 including GST
NZ$ 7.67 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
This item can be backordered, A B/O fee is applied at checkout - Aprox 7-14 day delay on delivery. **B/O products are not returnable**
Purchase Qty:
A0032 0120485011 0120485012 0120485022 0123310005 0123310008 0123310041 0123315005 0123320010 0123320011 0123320029 0123320039 0123320040 0123320041 0123320044 0123320045 0123320046 0123320047 0123320049 0123320051 0123320057 0123320060 0123320061 0123320062 0123320065 0123325007 0123335002 0123335003 0123335004 0123335005 0123335006 0123335008 0123340006 0123340007 9123320045 9123335002 9123369044 8548943 8549438 4434056 A0005 A0114 A0385 A0263
Height (H.1)50 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.1)61.7 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.2)47 mm
Mount Hole Center - Center (O.3)69.6 mm
OEM ProductNo
Outside Diameter (O.D.1) 1120 mm
Product LineStandard Line
Product TypeBrand new
Unit TypeBOSCH
0123320062 0123320061 A0032 0123320060 A0114 0123320011 0123320010 0123320057 0123335002 A0263 A0032(P-INA) A0385 0120485022 0123320065 9123369044 4434056 0123320029 A0032(P) APC0003 A0133 0123320040 0123315005 0123320041 0120485011 0120485012 0123320039 8549438 9123320045 8548943 0123325007 0123340006 0123310041 0123340007 0123335008 0123310005 0123335004 0123335003 0123335006 0123335005 0123320051 A0005 9123335002 0123310008 0123320047 0123320049 0123320044 0123320046 A0172 0123320045