or four payments of $18.63
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Associated Numbers
0123310022 0123310027 0123310031 0123310042 0123310043 0123310044 0123310047 0123310050 0123315003 0123315500 0123315502 0123315503 0123320009 0123320016 0123320021 0123320025 0123320026 0123320028 0123320030 0123320052 0123320053 0123320054 0123320055 0123320059 0123320066 0123335001 0132315500 0132315502 0132315503 9123320016 9123369028 F000LD0206 F000LD0300 F010LD0206 7387707 7387708 95VW10300AA 95VW10300AB 95VW10300AC 95VW10300CC 0123310051 0123310033Specifications
B+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (B+d) | M8x1.25 mm |
B+ Thread Length (B+H) | 23.3 mm |
Diode Amp Rating | 50 A |
Diodes (Main) | 8 qty |
D+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (D+d) | M5x0.8 mm |
D+ Thread Height (D+H) | 16.7 mm |
Inside Diameter (I.D.1) | 23 mm |
OEM Product | No |
Outside Diameter (O.D.1) | 112 mm |
Product Line | Standard Line |
Product Type | Brand new |
Reg/Rec Combo | No |
Source | Y |
Unit Type | BOSCH |
With Attached Bracket | No |
Reference Information
RB-134H 1127319560 215020 1127319011 RTF39867 136861 1127319749 1127319559 1127319746 RCT1135Video/Publications
A0731S 0123310033 0123315500 0123315503 0123315502 0123320059 0123320016 0123320055 0123320054 95VW10300AA 95VW10300CC 0123310043 0123310042 0132315500 95VW10300AB 0123335001 95VW10300AC 0123310027 ARC0091 0123310047 0132315502 0132315503 0123310022 0123310044 7387708 0123320053 0123320030 0123320052 7387707 0123320026 0123320025 0123320028 0123320066 0123320021 0123315003 9123320016 F000LD0300 F000LD0206 0123310031 F010LD0206 0123310051 0123310050 0123320009 9123369028View your shopping basket or Browse other items in Rectifier.