or four payments of $20.28
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Associated Numbers
0120465020 0120465021 0120469608 0120469609 0120469665 0120469669 0120469791 0120469792 0123505005 0123505010 0123510001 0123510005 0123510006 0123510007 0123510026 0123510027 0123510032 0123510034 0986032980 95VW10300PA 0123515016 A0117 A0048 A0186Specifications
B+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (B+d) | M8x1.25 mm |
B+ Thread Length (B+H) | 24 mm |
Diode Amp Rating | 50 A |
Diodes (Main) | 8 qty |
Inside Diameter (I.D.1) | 22.9 mm |
Mount Distance (C-C) | 66.5 mm |
OEM Product | No |
Outside Diameter (O.D.1) | 124.6 mm |
Product Line | Standard Line |
Product Type | Brand new |
Reg/Rec Combo | No |
Source | Y |
Unit Type | BOSCH |
With Attached Bracket | No |
Reference Information
CRC10128AS 215344 CQ1080364 028903359G RCT1018 RTF39797 138426 215352 IBR854 AEB1854 SRC10128 11-15-1241 1127319854 21101821BN 138074 1127319576 IBR738 1127320854 31-9127 1127320576Video/Publications
A0117 0120465020 0120465021 0120469665 0123510032 0123510034 0123510026 0123510005 0123510027 0123510006 0123510007 0123505005 0120469791 ARC0094 A0186 0986032980 95VW10300PA 0120469792 0123515016 A0048 0123510001 0120469608 0123505010 0120469609 0120469669View your shopping basket or Browse other items in Rectifier.