or four payments of $13.97
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Associated Numbers
10456332 10463033 10463081 10463156 10463201 10479884 10497109 10497110 1101238 1101250 1101623 1101849 1105625 1105626 1117891 1117898 1117913 1117914 1117932 1117946 1117965 1117966 19010112 19010178 19010180 19010197 19011150 19011151 19011152 19011154 19011155 19011156 19011157 19011158 19011159 19011160 19011161 19011162 19011167 19011169 19011170 19011171 19011172 19011177 19011213 19020300 19020305 19020308 321274 321299 321331 321372 321447 321492 A1018 19010195 10459046 Delco AlternatorFAMILY 21SI FAMILY TYPE 355 VOLT 12 AMPS 100 CONDITION Remanufactured REGULATOR CLOCK 12:00 FAN LOCATION External Internal TERMINAL ID 2 B+ SIZE 1/4-28 POLARITY Negative 10459188 22SI ROTATION DIRECTION Clockwise 5/16-18 10459204 10459303 23SI 455 130 10459481 9:00 PAD SPAN LENGTH 107.95 MOUNT HOLE 1 10.600mm Unthreaded 12.500mm 3 4 M10x1.50 B- M8x1.25 New 19020312 8600064 35SI 140 1/2-13 Threaded 13mm MOUNTING EAR THICKNESS 0.551" 14mm 0.787" 20mm I 10-24 R 8600065 8600066 126.24 8700016 5 S 8700017 10459047 PartAMPS 10459141 135 33SI 10459142 10459143 110 10459144 10459145 34SI 10459180 450 10459181 10459182 10459183 10459184 10459187 145 10459191 10459194 10459195 10459198 10459206 10459215 PartCONDITION 350 10459255 10459318 10459360 10459604 10459612 10459613 10461226 10461234 115 125 AlternatorAMPS 19011017 19011163 19011173 19011174 19011176 19011187 19011193 19011200 19011202 19011211 19011212 19011214 19011216 19011255 19011258 456 19011260 19011261 19011264 19011266 19011268 19011273 19020354 19020360 19020362 19020363 19020377 19020379 19020387 19020806 19020810 M10-1.5 8700004 F3HZ10346J FordSpecifications
Diode Amp Rating | 50 A |
Diodes (Main) | 6 qty |
Height (H.1) | 29.3 mm |
Mount Distance (C-C) | 85 mm |
OEM Product | No |
Outside Diameter (O.D.1) | 107.7 mm |
Product Line | Standard Line |
Product Type | Brand new |
Reg/Rec Combo | No |
Unit Type | DELCO |
With Attached Bracket | No |
Reference Information
CQ1080441 DR5174PF RD-06 DR5174 AED5174 RCT2629 215175 81113317 053.000.450.030 D3929 231061 10469265Video/Publications
19011158 19011213 19011159 19011156 19011157 19011154 19011155 19011166 19011177 1117966 19011152 19011163 19011174 1117898 19011150 19011161 19011151 19011162 19011173 1117914 19011160 19011171 1117891 ARC1015View your shopping basket or Browse other items in Rectifier.